Services may include:
❖ Technology assessments to make solid decisions and drive positive change.
❖ Manage and prioritize risks and gaps in the business.
❖ Coach your team to be internal consultants and IT brokers for the business, working with SaaS companies to vet the best possible deals and optimal IT solutions.
❖ Establish IT convergence programs to perpetually shrink your IT footprint, reduce cost, and to shift valuable resources to solve business related challenges.
❖ Create IT Architecture & Strategy Roadmaps.
❖ Establish Technical Review Boards to engage business leaders in the process of aligning strategic IT decisions with business strategy and corporate goals.
❖ Simplify transition to the “Cloud” and modernize private/hybrid data centers.
❖ Help you to avoid IT disasters and maintain business continuity
❖ Provide solid methods to efficiently integrate IT departments during a merger or acquisition.