Have you experienced similar challenges in your world? Think about some of the people who are on your team or within your organization. Are they tool collectors, craftsmen or artists?
- Do they take courses and collect tools/skills that they never use?
- Do they attend conferences just to get out of the office?
- Do they have a growth plan to improve their skills?
- Do they have the brand new steroid “juiced” laptop but they can’t open a spreadsheet?
- Do they have the REALLY nice Nike running gear but they can’t run?
If you answer “yes” to some of these questions you may have a number of tool collectors on your team. Nevertheless, don’t lose hope… tool collectors CAN grow into the role of a craftsman!
- Take responsibility for sharpening their skills
- Map out growth plans
- Don’t buy tools that they don’t know how to use
- Are self-aware and take pride in their work
Over the last few decades many jobs have been commoditized. Companies such as Google, Apple and Amazon are building cultures of innovation. How can you take you organizations to new heights?
Next level thinkers are artists.
The artist:
- Envisions new patterns
- Originates, collaborates and innovates
- Designs and tests, redesigns and tests, redesigns and tests
- Acknowledges, learns and capitalizes from failures
As leaders, we have to find creative ways to draw out the craftsmen and the artists within our organizations to solve the next wave of challenges in our ever-changing world.
Take some time today to help a tool collector, encourage a craftsman and challenge an artist!
“A man who works with his hands is a laborer; a man who works with his hands and his brain is a craftsman; but a man who works with his hands and his brain and his heart is an artist.”
– Louis Nizer
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